Boost Your Beauty Business is a 1-on-1 Customized Coaching Program for newish Beauty Professionals ready to step into abundance, create financial freedom and build a steady clientele… because everyone deserves to feel confident while building the business of their dreams.

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Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.
Growth inspires change.

Just like YOU, I decided to go out on my own and CHASE MY DREAMS. 

  • Have financial freedom
  • Make my own schedule
  • Be my own boss
  • Work less and play more

I was finally ready to…

 Does any of this sound FAMILIAR?

I have been EXACTLY where you are...

  • “Maybe I wasn’t cut out for this running my own business thing.”
  • “How will I get new clients and consistent money coming in?”
  • “Working for someone else isn’t for me, but going out on my own feels scary.”

schedule a free call

Once I got  out on my own I quickly realized that no one taught me how to start, let alone, BUILD and RUN a profitable beauty business

With my family overseas and two children at home, continuing with slow months was no longer and option. 

It was time to GIVE UP or GIVE IT MY ALL 

It was time to GIVE UP or GIVE IT MY ALL

Since FAILURE wasn't an option,

im still benefiting from chasing my dream.

Through the ups and downs, I learned exactly what it takes to build a 6-figutre beqauty business and a team of experienced team of beauty professionals that I am incredibly rpoud of. 

And YOU can too.

Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
Focus on daily wins.
  • Woke up excited to go to work and take care of your clients
  • Had a steady clientele that appreciates you and skillset
  • Had a sense of confidence in your business and your future
  • Financial freedom that allows you to both pay for the now save for the future 
  • Control over your schedule and the ability to take time off to be with your family, go on vacation, or just enjoy life

Imagine how great it’d feel if you...

It's time to BELIEVE in YOURSELF.

I’m Jennie.

Waxing Specialist, Life Coach & Business Owner OF over a decade. 

I moved to the US — years ago, knowing not a soul. I started out my business by renting a room, and in time, grew to open my own salon. While I’ve had a ton of success, it’s not without my share of failures too. 

It was in running my business that I finally realized just how little beauty professionals are taught about how to build a successful and profitable business.

So, I spent the next 12 years learning how. 

We get into this work to help our clients feel good. But while trying to grow our beauty business, we can end up feeling defeated.

1-on-1 Hands-on Brazilian Wax Training

  • Savings available if combined with coaching package 
  • Areas Covered: Technique, client communication, before and after care, practicing soft and hard wax. 
  • Starter Kit, Swag Bag and Certificate upon completion. 
  • Models required (can support with if needed).

Wax Academy Training

3.5 Hours for $549

The ESSENTIAL Coaching Package

  • Basic business practices and information
  • Positive mindset 
  • Managing Finances for now and future
  • Balancing work and life

investment: $599 | payment plans offered

4 bi-weekly 45 minute sessions that includes:

8 weekly 45 minute Coaching Calls that includes:

Email and text support as needed

Email and Text support through our time

investment: $1,099 | payment plans offered

Everything included in the essential package, plus:
  • Identifying challenges 
  • Starting a business
  • Branding and Marketing
  • Financial Management-current and future 
  • Work and life balancing
  • Goal-Setting Workshop -creating game plan and next steps

The PREMIUM Coaching Package

75 min. for $200

  • Come with problems - leave with solutions.  
  • Map out  top  challenges and  leave with action items  to move forward. Through my business knowledge and life coaching experience I am here to help you tackle whatever challenges you may have.
  •  Follow-up Voxer access

Strategy & Coaching Session

Coaching Programs

these programs is the perfect match for people who


  • Are ready to change their beauty business story 
  • Know that they have what it takes to succeed
  • Have a growth mindset and willing to show up
  • Are coachable and ready to do the work
  • Fall into victim mode and find it difficult to get out
  • Are afraid of what success and achieving their dreams look like
  • Aren’t ready to show up and do the work
  • Are problem-focused rather than solution-focused 

What will you have to SHOWfor it?

the time will pass either way.

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